When do you send out trade alerts?
The weekly option plays are updated every Wed AM before the market opens at 9:30. The +30 day option plays are updated every Thursday AM before the market opens at 9:30 and the +14 day option plays are updated every Friday AM before the market opens at 9:30. The plays are suspended when a stock is reporting earnings during the time frame of the play. The plays are posted at the discretion of X-tro.

Do you enter every trade posted?
No, entering every trade posted is not ideal. We post trades to provide options for each week. Some stocks may offer a better set up than others. Trades are to be entered according to capital of the person executing the strategy.

Do you issue sell signals?
We no longer provide sell signals as a part of our synopsis. We strongly believe that the user can exit at their own risk. We believe that exiting at a 20% loss is a reasonable guideline for a user. Our experience has led us to understand that we should allow the trader to execute according to their plan.

Do you trade just call and puts (naked options)?
No, we do not do naked options. While we have used them in the past, it is not a strategy that we promote. In rare occasions, we may use them in the longer term trades. Our primary method is to use spreads to leverage risk and reward.

Are the performance results based on fills?
No. Our experience has led us to know that fill prices will vary between traders. Rather than base things on a fill price, we base things upon whether the strategy is a success by the close price at expiration for each strategy.